Endorsed by the people you trust!

A message from Commissioner Keon Hardemon

Thank you for giving me the privilege of serving your needs as a Miami-Dade County Commissioner. Like most of you, I voted to establish term limits for elected officials in this county. Now, I have one last opportunity to lead our community in my final four years of service as your county commissioner. 


Throughout my tenure, I have led our community through some of the most significant challenges we have ever faced. For example, I created solutions to ease the burdens on our families and businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic; I built thousands of units of affordable housing to address our housing crisis; and I established real solutions to aid in combating gun violence. Moreover, I have always served with empathy, kindness, and intelligence.


Today, I renew my pledge to advocate for your best interests and champion the needs of every community in District 3. We must continue to implement my vision of making every neighborhood a better place to live in by choosing progress on August 20th. Therefore, I humbly ask for your support and vote to continue serving as your commissioner and propelling Miami-Dade County forward into prosperity. 

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